Requirements for works submitted to the competition:
To submit the work, fill in the form of the chosen product category.
The works should be accompanied by the explanation paper in PDF format, which briefly describes the aim of the project, creative solutions and achieved results. The explanation you provide and the final result are important in assessing your work and presenting it to the wider audiences and prospective clients.
Uploaded material should be in JPG format, recommended shortest side
size - 2400 px (minimum - 1200 px), 72 dpi resolution, sRGB colour profile.
If uploading more than one document, the sequence should be numbered, e.g., work_no.1.jpg, work_no.2.jpg, etc. Recommended max file size is up to 20 MB.
It is strictly forbidden to mention or hint at the authors of the work in the submitted visual or graphic material.
For more information please contact